every great journey starts with a single step 

Thanks for your enquiry, I’ll get in touch soon.


Office Location

54 Fosse Road, Farndon, Nottinghamshire NG24 4ST

Open Hours

Mon – Sat: 9am – 8pm


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to make?

This is dependant on a range of factors from the type of model we decide to go for to the number of instruments in my backlog. I work reasonably quickly but for me, it’s not about speed. I’d rather be correct. Generally, a ballpark figure is 3-6 months for a violin and 6-9 months for a cello.

Where are you based?

I live on the outskirts of Newark in the village of Farndon where I’m lucky to have my workshop set up in an old outbuilding in the garden. It’s perfect peace and tranquillity which I love for making but I’m in London in an hour and a half. 

why would one instrument suit me over another

It’s horses for courses. Interested in something subtle and warm? Maybe we look at a Poplar backed cello. Want a little more punch? We can look at changing the graduation of the plates to give you more projection. Want to cut through in a hall? Let’s look at which model would suit you best.

how much does it cost?

I try to price honestly and I offer an incredibly competitive rate considering where the instruments that I’ve made have ended up. I’ve just been advised that a client has chosen to insure his newly completed cello for £25k, not that I charged him that. Must put my prices up…

how long is the waiting list

There’s never a time that I don’t have something that I need to be working on. Whether it’s working my way through my commission list or fixing something last minute for someone, the dogs lament how little time I have to walk them. Currently its 18 months. 

what’s the process

It all starts with a no-nonsense, no-obligation chat where we can brainstorm some ideas. Then when you’re happy with the concept, we’ll start to look at materials and cost. Then it’s the nasty bit of contracts and deposit time before full payment with a happy customer. 

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